Born on 30th of December 1978
Education: - University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr. T. Popa", Faculty of Dentistry 2003
- "Complete Course in Professional Photography", New York Institute of Photography 2013
- Trainer certification 2016
- "Seeing Through Photographs" by MoMA on Coursera 2016
Stefan Neagu’s visual education began in childhood, with a library full of photo and painting albums, but also with his father passionate about the visual arts. With the cameras it was harder, the only device he was allowed to use was a "Smena"version.. Better than nothing. The more intense study of technical and compositional details occurred relatively recently, photography giving him a balance between who he is in everyday life, a dentist, a husband, a father, and "his moments" as he likes to call them. The desire to learn „by the book" made him study at New York Institute of Photography, layering an information contained otherwise chaotic in his mind. The study, however, he thinks will never end…
“I think that photography can be considered the simplest form of expression, of communication. Sometimes it does not need words, description. Not even a title. Everything is in the frame. It gives you, the viewer, the freedom to see it in your own way and even give your own title. It lets you interpret it the way you want, to choose your own story. It may happen to be the same story as with the author’s, sometimes not, but is the story that’s clear in your mind, it’s the one that makes you resonate. One’s photographs „betray” his fascinations, passions, anxieties or unrest. It’s the same with the viewer. I never liked to tell anyone what to see in my photos. But I liked to listen to what others have seen in them, often issues that "escaped" me, maybe things that Ihave not given enough importance.”
Since 2016 he embraced the analog photographic process, the best way to discipline the photographic act, as he believes. Stefan self- develops his films, the whole process being defined by a ludic character, like in jazz, and this not out of superficiality, but out of passion for the craftsmanship of photography. The printing of the photographs is a hybrid process. The prints, made by archival pigment print technique for a lasting resistance, most of the time do not exceed 30-50cm, thus inviting the viewer to an intimate analysis, as in a whispered dialogue. The subjects photographed are various, though they have the same visual grammar, Stefan Neagu’s images portraying the beauty of shape and geometry, even if it’s a nude, a landscape or a portrait, and that in a personal manner, finding elegance in a given frame being the main aspiration.
"Fotografiile de nud ale lui Stefan Neagu impun o anumita etica a privirii. Sprijinit de linii, forme si volume autorul alege posturile care stimuleaza in primul rand estetic. Privim un nud feminin si vedem intai de toate frumusetea si eleganta sa. Eleganta este, de altfel, toata punerea in scena, redarea subiectului in sine laolalta cu alte elemente care dau expresivitate imaginii: lumina si contra-lumina, contrastele, tonurile. Corpul este segmentat si dematerializat de impulsiuni erotice, Stefan Neagu avand parca grija sa nu transforme femeia intr-un obiect care poate fi posedat simbolic. Personalizeaza femeia ca metafora in sine, nu ca identitate recognoscibila: in foarte rare cazuri zarim si chipul modelului sau. Din cand in cand, fotograful lucreaza si in cadre ceva mai largi care fixeaza subiectul in ambient. Intr-un gen care a vazut o infinitate de abordari, Stefan Neagu incearca sa-si gaseasca nisa sa. Modul in care este redat corpul feminin il apropie pe autor de abordarile clasice in fotografia de nud, inclusiv prin faptul ca foloseste aparate pe film. Vecinatatile stilistice pot fi numeroase, de la Man Ray la Weston, Newton, Brandt, Coigny sau chiar Eric Marrian. Autorul porneste de la o realitate obiectiva fara echivoc, careia incearca sa-i cristalizeze rafinamentul si emotia. Exista o transparenta selectiva in fotografia de nud a lui Stefan Neagu prin care vrea sa ne faca partasi la lumea sa. universul sau vizibil nu este doar interpretat, cum indeobste se intampla in alte arte mimetice (pictura, literatura), ci si redat cu limpezime si distinctie." Florin Sipos,
"Un spirit care este lansat intr-o cursã spre polul perfectiunii. Asta este clar in momentul când privesti arta fotograficã semnatã de Stefan Neagu. Lãrgind imaginea apare un paradox: constructia logicã si uzualã a obiectului artistic este in mod dialectic de la simplu la complex, spre o finisare continuã…compozitiile lui Stefan iti dau senzatia confruntãrii cu un drum invers: o structurã perfectã, aproape anorganicã in cãutarea sufletului….Un fel de “craniu de obsidian”, care nu pare atins de mâna umanã, unde nu se vãd urmele lãsate pe parcursul manoperei ȋn faze intermediare, dar in final, ochiul descoperã tocmai incercarea intensã si neobositã de a insufleti, de a umaniza tusa perfect finisatã. Îmi evocã contemplarea unei structuri cristaloide fãrã cusur care pare rece, dar când te apropii si o atingi e caldã, ca si cum ar avea un foc interior, un motor cu flacãrã. Stefan Neagu ne oferã un text care confirmã emotia fotografului, un artist ce apeleazã la luminã pentru a confirma vibratia sa ontologicã, salvarea din neant…Si uite asa, in spiritul clasic, Stefan Neagu ne invitã la uitare de sine pentru a pune pe linie mintea, ochiul si inima." Cornel Gingarasu,

- 1st Prize at Nikon Romania "Se cauta fotografia lunii" contest, September edition
- 3rd Prize at Nikon Romania "Se cauta fotografia lunii" contest, The Grand Final
- 3rd Prize at VSLO Festival, "Nude" contest
- electronic portofolio published by epublio Digital Publishing, availeble for download from Apple App Store, at VSLO
- VOLTIN mention at Salonul International de Arta Fotografica "Best of CF", Ed.I, Braila
- Emerging Talent Jury Honor Award at Morpholio EyeTime
- Nomenee at 9th Balck and White Spider Awards 2014, Fashion and Fine Art categories
- Honorable Mention at PX3, Prix de la Photographie Paris , "WHITE" competition
- Honorable Mention at 10th Black&White Spider Awards, Nude category
- Honorable Mention at ND Awards, Fine Art Nude category
- Honorable Mention Award at Morpholio EyeTime
- selected for the 100 pictures exhibition celebrating the 5th Anniversary of FUJIFILM X World Photo Gallery, Tokyo
- Honorable Mention at International Color Awards, 9th edition, "Abstract" category, nomination at "Silhouette" category
- Honorable Mention at International Photograher of the Year Photography Awards 2015, "Nude" category
- Honorable Mention at International Photography Awards, "Family of Man : Youth"
- Honorable Mention and Nomenee at 11th Black and White Spider Awards, Nude category
- Two Honorable Mention Awards at ND Awards 2016 with "Tangled" project, Fine Art - Nudes and Fine Art - Conceptual categories
- Honorable Mention at Monochrome Awards, Amateur "FashionBeauty" category
- Honorable Mention at International Photographer of the Year 2016 competition, Fine Art category
- 3 nominations at 10th International Color Awards, Fine Art and Fashion categories
- two nominations at 3rd edition of Fine Art Photogrphy Awards 2016, Conceptual and Nudes categories
- Bronze Finalist, Photoshoot Awards, NUDE 2017, "Intimate" category
- Honorable Mention at Prix de la Photographie Paris 2017, Nude category
- Honorable Mention and one nomination at Black & White Spider Awards 2017, Nude category
- Honorable Mention at Chromatic Awards 2017, Fashion and Beauty and Conceptual categories
- two Honorable Mentions at Monochrome Awards, Nude category
- two Honorable Mentions at International Photographer of the Year Awards, Fine art: Nude and Fine art: Conceptual categories
- Silver Award at Prix de la Photographie Paris, Fine art/Nudes category
- Two Honorable Mentions at International Photography Awards 2018, Fine art - Portrait and Fine art - Nudes categories.
- Nominee at Black & White Spider Awards, Nature category
- Honorable mention at ND Awards 2018, Fine art -Nudes category
- Honorable mention at International Photography Awards Oneshot / Street Photo Contest, Geometric (shape and form) category
- Two Honorable mentions at International Photography Awards 2019, Analog category, Fine art and Portrait
- Honorable mention at ND Photography Awards 2019, Fine art - Nudes category
- Nomination at 13th International Color Awards, Fine art category
- Two Honorable Mentions at International Photography Awards 2020, Analog/Film Fine Art category
- Nominee at 15th Black & White Spider Awards
- Merit award at Photoshoot Awards, Nude 2021 , Emotion category
- Honorable Mention at PX3 Awards 2021, Fine art, Nudes
- Three nominations at 16th Black & White Spider Awards at Photojournalism, Wildlife and Nude categories.
- Nominee at 15th International Color Awards, Fashion category
- Dodho Magazine Selection of 100 Monochromatic Photographers of the Year 2022
- Honorable Mention at PX3 Awards 2022, Fineart / Nude category
- Honorable Mention at International Photography Awards 2022, Analog/Film Fine Art category
- Nomenee at the 17th Black & White Spider Awards, Fine Art, Nude category
- Gold award at reFocus Awards 2022, Nude catogory
- Two Bronze Awards at Analog Sparks International Film Photography Awards, at Architecture and Book categories
- "Contrefort" included in Museum of Avant-garde contemporary collection and finalist at Nobuyoshi Araki MA-g Awards
- Two Honorable mentions at 20th International Photography Awards, Book and Film/Analog Fine art sections
- 1st Place - Outstanding Achievement at the 18th B&W Spider Awards, Nude section
- Locul 3 at Romanian Visual Awards 2024, Book category, with AEQUIVALENS
- Silver Award at Analog Sparks Awards 2024, Photo book category, with AEQUIVALENS
- Gold Award at Analog SParks Awards 2024, Fine art/Erotic category, with FORME series
- Honorable mention at International Photography Awards 2024, Book - Fine art - AEQUIVALENS
- Honorable mention at International Color Awards / Fashion photography
- "Expozitia Nikonistilor", 24.02.2012, Bucharest (group)
- "PHOTOsharp Hall of Frames II" at Photo Romania Festival, 19.05.2012, Cluj-Napoca (group)
- SAFO, 21.06.2012 (Muzeul Taranului Roman), 01.10.2012 (Libraria Carturesti), Bucuresti (group)
- FOTON, 22.08.2012, Onesti (group)
- "Nocturna bibliotecii onestene", 02.11.2012, Onesti (group)
- "Viziuni urbane" at "10 years of Rotary Club Onesti", 14.12.2012
- "Viziuni urbane", 16.01.2012, Onesti
- "Ipostaze urbane - Culoare" 21-26.05.2013 Danaart Gallery, Bucuresti (group)
- "Onesti. Viziuni urbane" - 15.09.2013 EBienale, George Enescu International Festival's Art Biennale
- The XI-th Internation Photographic Saloon "PREMFOTO" 2013, 20.12.2013, Oradea (group)
- "Salonul fotografului roman" 17.01.2014 (group)
- "Ballerina", Onesti 14.03.2014
- Works accepted at the 2nd Danubius International Photographic Art Salon “Best of CF”,Braila, ROMANIA 2014 - 29.03.2014, Braila (group)
- "Labyrinth" 28.06.2014-15.08.2014, Bucharest (group)
- InnerSound New Arts Festival, "Vortex", Bucharest 18-21.09.2014 (group)
- Inaugural exhibition of FotonEstic, o photographic group based in Onesti 01.12.2014 (group)
- PHOTOsharp Hall of Frames V , 15-24.05.2015, Photo Romania Festival, Cluj-Napoca (group)
- "8 1/2 minute" project, 16.05.2015, Cluj-Napoca (group)
- "#NSFW" exhibition, a "La Mansarda" project, Cluj-Napoca (group)
- FUJIFILM X World Photo Gallery, Tokyo 15.01.2016 (group)
- "Labyrinth" 2nd Edition, Bucharest, 02.06.2016 (group)
- "Fotografia de strada, intre documentar si suprarealism", Sequencies Photography Festival, Ploiesti, 10.2016 (group)
- "3x10", photo exhibition with participants at "Despre fotografie cu Stefan Neagu" course, 16.12.2016 (group)
- Salonul Fotografului Roman - editia a IV-a, Bucuresti, 9.06.2017 (group)
- "Portraits in Black & W", Blank Wall Gallery, Athens 23.06.2017 (group)
- "Monochrome" exhibition, Blank Wall Gallery, Athens 23.02.2018 (group)
- "The White Shirt", expo and photobook lounch , Gallery, Bucharest 10.03.2018
- Salonul Fotografului Roman - editia a V-a, Bucuresti, 7.06.2018(croup)
- Chania International Photo Festival - Chania, Crete 28.08-05.09.2018 (group)
- "The White Shirt", expo and photobook lounch , Biblioteca Municipala Radu Rosetti, Onesti 07.03.2019
- "Portraits", Blank Wall Gallery, Athens, 23.03.2019 (group)
- "Month of Nude Photography", L,a,boutique. Athens 14.06-13.07.2019 (group)
- Salonul Fotografului Roman - editia a VI-a, Bucuresti, 14.06.2019 (group)
- SUISSARTEXPO, Zurich, 15-19.08.2019 (group)
- "CorpoRealities", August 29 – September 21, 2019, Budapest (group)
- Expoziție Fotografică "36-F", Chisinau, 10.01.2020 (group)
- FORME, Sala Thalia, Filarmonica de Stat Sibiu, Sibiu 29.02.2020- 30.03.2020
- "Monochrome" Exhibition, Blank Wall Gallery, Athens 06 - 18.03.2020 (group)
- ARTBOX.PROJECT WORLD 1.0, ARTBOX.GALLERY, Zurich, 4th of January - 31st of March 2021 (group)
- ARTBOX.PROJECT BARCELONA 1.0, Barcelona , 02-10.05.2021, Valid World Gallery, Barcelona (group)
- ARTBOX.PROJECT WORLD2.0, Urbanside Gallery, Zurich, 01.02.2022-04.03.2022 (group)
- Personality: Contemporary Portraiture. PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Mach 10 – April 2, 2022 (group)
-ARTBOX.PROJECT Venezia 1.0, Biennale Art Expo, Tana Art Space, Venice 1st-31st May 2022 (group)
- Lelje Gallery, Amsterdam, Holland, April 2022 (group)
- Thomson Gallery, Zug, Swizerland, April 2022 (group)
- Urbanside Gallery, Zurich, Swizerland, April 2022 (group)
- ARTBOX.PROJECT Zurich 4.0 21.04.2022 (group)
- Chania International Photo Festival, Chania, Greece, 6-12 July 2022 (group)
-SWISSARTEXPO, Zurich, 24-28 August 2022 (group)
- Photographic Visions - Summer 2022, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary, August 25– September 17 2022 (group)
- ARTBOX.PROJECT Palma 1.0, Casa del Arte de Palma Mallorca, Costa d’en Brossa 4B, 07001 Palma, Illes Balears, Spain 24 October - 5 November 2022 (group)
- "Portraits" exhibition, ASmith Gallery, 103 N Nugent Ave , Johnson City, TX, United States, Texas, February 17-30 March 2023 (group)
- ARTBOX.PROJECTS New York 2.0 ARTBOX EXPO New York 345 Broome St NYC 10013, 17-26 April 2023 (group)
- PH21 Gallery - scapes exhibition, Valid World Hall, Barcelona, 9-15 June 2023 (group)
- ARTBOX.PROJECTS Basel 2.0 15th-18th June 2023, Basel (group)
- "Portraits Beyond Faces", PH21 Gallery, Budapest, September 21 – October 14, 2023 (group)
- "Silence" exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, March 7-30 (group)
- SWISSART EXPO, Zurich, august 2024 (group)
- "Poetry of Bones – Autumn in Focus", Col. Eugene E. Myers Art Gallery, Dep. of Art & Design University of North Dakota 14.10-17.11.2024 (group)
- Artbox Expo Paris, 16-20th of October, Paris (group)
- Monochrome, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, 16.11 - 10.12.2024 (group)
- Haute Photographie Rotterdam, 27-30 March 2025 (group)
publishing and printed materials
- Photographer Portofolio published in 2013 by epublio
- Eros Magazine Issue 1 - Fine art nudes photography magazine 2016
- NUDE 2017 PhotoShoot Awards issue 5
- Portraits in B&W - Blank Wall Gallery exhibition catalogue 2017
-"THE WHITE SHIRT" photobook 2018
- Annual PX3 book No. 12 (2018)
- NUDE 2021 Photoshoot Awards issue 9
-"TRANSSUBSTANTIA" photobook 2022
- MONOCHROMATIC 2022 by DODHO Magazine
- "AEQUIVALENS" photobook 2024
- The World's Greatest Black & White Photography 2
- International COLOR AWARDS Winners Book 2025
- International Color Awards Winners Video / Fashion photography
interviews & articles
Viziuni Urbane
Photosetup Blog
Connect FM, Alb si negru cu Alin Asavei
Fuji X Passion Magazine
Sebastian Boatca
Arta si valori
Smart FM, Arta prin gaura cheii
Viata Medicala
Atelier Liternet
LiterNet: Povesti din Turnul Babel
LiterNet: Povesti din Turnul Babel
Interviu cu Diana Gherendi pentru Radio Romania Mures - Lansare Transsubstantia
Interviu cuMalina Moraru pentru Zi de Zi Targu Mures - Lansare Transsubstantia
100ASA Beyond the image
100ASA Beyond the Image
100ASA About Transsubstantia
Atelier LiterNet - Echivalente vizuale
LiterNet:Topuri & Retrospective
LiterNet: Habet sua fata ...photographos
100ASA Beyond the Image
100ASA Beeyond the Image
TOMIS - revista de cultura