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In curand... Comming soon...

Gratie, inspiratie, dinamism, atitudine, tehnica, sacrificiu, bucurie... Lucuri fara de care un dansator este orfan. Nu este doar pozitia mainii, a piciorului, ori a capului. Este o poveste spusa de intreg corpul, cu o armonizare perfecta intre fiecare dintre partile lui. Un moment de maxima concentrare cu o energie resimtita de privitor pana in varful firului de par. O impletire intre dans si muzica ce te acapareaza, te transpune, te incanta, te emotioneaza. Acesta este baletul. Grace, inspiration, dynamism, attitude, tehnique, sacrifice, joy ... Qalities without which a dancer is an orphan. Not only the posture of the hand, leg or head. It is a story told by the entire body with perfect harmonization between each of its parts. A moment of high concentration of energy felt by the viewer to the top of the hair. A blend between dance and music that's monopolizing you, transpose you, excites you, moves you. This is ballet.



© Stefan Neagu 2010-2020

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