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Manifest pentru printul fotografic - Printing Photographs Manifest

Desi era digitala simplifica mult lucrurile, in fotografie parca influenta se simte prea mult. De la captura si pana la vizualizare. Ma voi limita acum doar la modul in care privim fotografiile. Ecranul rece nu va avea posibilitatea sa reproduca senzatia pe care o simti atingand o fotografie: textura, mirosul, patina. Toate simturile sunt in "alerta". Monitorul poate sa reproduca sau nu fidel o imagine, insa un print nu minte. Indiferent de dimensiune, o fotografie tinuta in mana este PRIVITA. In era digitala tendinta este de a "rasfoi" fotografiile...

Although the digital era simplifies things, in photography it feels like there is too much influence. From the capture up to viewing images. I will limit myself now just at how we look at photos. he cool screen will never be able to replicate the sensation you feel touching a photo: the texture, the smell, the lifetime. All senses are "on alert". The monitor can or cannot reproduce accurately an image, but the print will never lie. Regardless of size, a picture held in hand is LOOKED. In digital era we tend to "browse" photos...


© Stefan Neagu 2010-2020

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