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Vortex- InnerSound project

Ne grabim. Suntem nevoiti sa ne grabim. Intram intr-un iures in fiecare dimineata, o valtoare ce ne poarta peste zi in apele ei uneori tulburi, alteori curate. De la primele ore ale diminetii, cu planul zilei in minte ori pe o bucata de hartie ori, mai nou, pe dispozitive ultrasofisticate, ne avantam in cotidianul aparent cunoscut ce ne va surprinde cu situatii neasteptate ce necesita solutii de moment, aproape instinctive. Pregatirea pentru serviciu (1), timpul petrecut cu cei mici si joaca lor, activitatile extrascolare (2,3,4), aniversarile bunicilor (5) si drumul inapoi acasa, in linistea serii (6), se succed cu repeziciunea cadrelor cinematografice, inconstient legate unele de altele si percepute drept o zi din viata. Repetitiv.

Unde ne grabim? Incotro trebuie sa ajungem? Nu avem timp?...

O zi din viata, precum o expunere fotografica lunga, in care momentele lasa amprente vizuale in memorie, proportional cu persistenta lor in minte si in suflet. Noi suntem cei ce stabilesc cadrul, subiectul, punctul de statie, viteza de declansare si profunzimea campului. Noi decalnsam; depinde de noi ce alegem sa pastram viu in memorie.Cu fiecare noua zi, cu fiecare intrare in vortexul cotidian, avem libertatea de a alege ce este important pentru noi. Sa nu uitam asta.

We are in a hurry. We are forced to hurry. We enter in an adventure every morning, a whirlpool which takes us over the day, in sometimes murky waters, sometimes clean. From the early hours of the morning, with the plan of the day in mind or maybe on a piece of paper or the newer ultrasofisticate devices we launch ourselfs in the apparently known daily schedule, full of unexpected situations that require solutions on the moment, almost instinctive. Preparation for our job (Photo 1), time spent with the little ones and their play time (Photo 2, Photo 3), dance courses (Photo 4), grandparents ' anniversaries (Photo 5), and the road back home, in the evening (Photo 6), succeed like the cinematographic frames, unconsciously linked to one another and perceived as a day in the life. Repetitive.

Why we hurry? Where do we have to go go? Did we have not have enough time?. . .

In a day of our life, as well as a long exposure, time let visual memory footprints, proportional to their persistence in mind and soul. We are the ones that determine the framework, the subject, the standpoint, the shutter speed and the depth of field. We tke the shot; it's up to us what we choose to keep alive in memory. With each new day, with each new entry in the Vortex, we have the freedom to choose what is important to us. Let's not forget that.


© Stefan Neagu 2010-2020

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