1957 Zorki S
Build in 1957,it was my grandfather's camera. Even though there were some parts missing, I've "improvised" some tehnical gimmick and made it work. The trick was that I had no exposure mettering so I had to use the old methods of measuring the exposure, or just to rely on my guts. It's a great thing that film has it's benefits over the digital sensor...A nice camera, a joy to use, even though not on a daily basis.
Fabricat on 1957, a fost aparatul bunicului meu. Desi ii lipseau cateva componente, printr-un giumbusluc tehnic am reusit sa il fac functional. Partea cea mai provocatoare a fost ca nu are exponometru, asa ca a trebuit sa ma bazez pe vechile metodele de apreciere a expunerii, ori sa o "ghicesc" dupa cum simteam. Ce bine ca filmul are beneficiile lui fata de senzorul aparatelor digitale...Un aparat grozav, pe care il folosesc cu mare placere, chiar daca doar ocazional.